By developing the proper foundation we can build a successful and meaningful life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Book in the Works

I decided today that I am going to start my first book. The title popped into my head today. That happens from time to time and you can call it what you want. I prefer to call it a divine inspiration, but the bottom line is I've learned to listen to it. It never leads me wrong and is typically for a greater purpose that is not fully revealed to me until a later date. The book title... SUSPENSE- well I can't say right now because someone else will take it. it's that good. What I cal tell you is that it will be a story of a potion of my life. I am 28 years old and blessed in many ways. I got into a fast track corporate route when I was 19 years old with a semester of college under my belt. I prove the definition of success. the definition I like most is success= when opportunity and preparedness meet. I was managing a country club at the time. I was an UNMATCHED work ethic, I still do. Champions are recognized in the ring, but they are made in their daily efforts. One of the members was starting a junior sales position and didn't realize I was 19 (I looked 22). Obviously they found out my age immediately, but the impression I made up until that point super-ceded my age. I quickly became an Account Executive at 20, working 70 hours a week trying to learn how to sell while carrying 16 credit hours at school. 16 months later I was hired by a customer as the Director of Sales and Marketing for a Technology Company. Here I was 21 years old and in upper management in the Corporate World. I always thought it would take until 30 to make six figures, or longer. Within 12 months I was hired as a National Account Executive for a fortune 50 organization. There were 150 new sales reps hired that year in the organization. I was the youngest by far @ 22, I was the youngest Account Executive in America in a sales force of over 1,000 and one of the only without a college degree (I actually stopped going at 20). Whats the story going to be about???

Success at a young age in an MTV generation is completely mis-defined. Many thought I was living the life. I was, the life of quiet desperation. At the core of my existence I could not have had less purpose or less of a calling on my life. What happened at 25 changed the next 75. It will also change you if you pay attention.

I expect this book to be a 3-5 year project as I want to make sure I am teaching the right lessons through the right stories, some stories I'm sure I haven't lived yet.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Being Productive

10 simple tips on being productive everyday

1) find the right calendar for you. You may not be able to get there right away, but the most successful people are the most productive with their time. I plan my day in 30 minute increments. Also build some flexibility into that calendar it will take some time to learn how to adjust on the fly. I prefer using my iphone and MAC computer over a paper calendar, but find out what works for you.

2) Start your day out right- Sometimes starting your day out right is really ending your day right. I know that when I take ten minutes and organize my first two hour for the next day before I go to bed I am always less likely to hit the snooze. Also review your dreams and goals before you go to bed, this will help you wake up excited instead of wanting to roll back over and sleep through the day.

3) Stay on task- If you are constantly making a checklist and checking items off of that list you will be reinforcing your productivity and will gain momentum throughout the day.

4) Always do the most difficult things and the things that you like to do least first. You will feel much better about your day if you get the dreaded items completed immediately.

5) Take time every few hours to remember why you are doing what you are doing. My wife and I have some big goals, but being a go getter its easy to get caught up in what I am doing and to forget why I am doing it. If I remember why I am doing it I will always find ways to be more productive.

6) Find balance- Always find time for physical activity and personal growth everyday no matter what. Its a mandatory, if you stay healthy you will be more productive long term.

7) Look for ways to serve other people- you might be asking yourself how this helps with productivity? well if you take a small amount of time every day to do something nice for someone else when you need the help of others it will be there. Now I am not saying this is the reason to serve others. You should do things for others because it will make you feel better about yourself and most importantly ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!

8) Be organized- not just with a calendar, but with your finances. The person who learns to manage their finances the best will be the least stressed and will be more productive. They will also have less hiccups happen during the day that pull them away from their productive schedule.

9) Prioritize- If someone else is willing to do it and they are capable then why are you doing it. Focus your energy efforts and time on something that is within your strengths.

10) Leave a comment and let us know some things that you do to stay productive.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Resting and Recharging

This is an interesting entry. Mainly because there is such a variety of lifestyles today. Some people are business owners and have a fairly flexible schedule that may not be consistent, while others may work jobs that are very structured with a daily bed time. So I will hit this from a few angles. First and foremost we have to make sure we're not confusing tiredness with not having a passion to pursue in our lives. When someone finds their true calling and defines their purpose in life they need far less sleep than someone who has not. Let me also say I am not a doctor and can only speak from self experience about how to best rest and recharge your body to achieve your maximum potential.

Instead of telling you how many hours to sleep. I am going to list some other things you can apply in your life to ensure you aren't sleeping more that you need to.

1) Listen to positive music, talk or any other source of positive thought process whenever you can. By putting continuous positive in your mind you will find your subconscious mind will focus on the positive side of things and not the negative, which is more draining.

2) Cap any negative that goes into your mind. For me that meant I needed to stop watching the news, listening to most radio stations and in some cases avoiding certain co-workers and family members. You may not agree with me, but what do you want out of life. Do some homework and what you will find is most really successful people treat their mind like a fuel tank of a Ferrari. Put 87 octane in the tank and you will have a certain performance. Put 93 octane, high performance racing fuel and you will have a completely different performance. The same goes with your mind.

3) Watch what you read or listen to especially before you go to bed. The last thing you hear or see before you go to bed many times effects your dreams and quality of sleep.

4) Invest in a good mattress and pillow. Most people over look this, but the quality of the sleep you get determines the quantity necessary. If a mattress costs $1,500.00 but you need 45 minutes of less sleep per night, overtime the return on investment if that 45 minutes is used productive is substantial.

5) Monitor the temperature that you are most comfortable sleeping in. This may seem like a detail, but sometimes a detail is the thing that will amplify your rest to the next level.

6) Eat light before bed. The guy or girl that eats Taco Bell before bed is less likely to sleep as well as the guy or gal that eats nothing or eats fruits and nuts.

Friday, February 19, 2010


The Three Pillars of Prosperity are Mind, Body and Soul. Lets talk a little bit about soul...

The best way to enhance and prosper your soul is to help others improve their soul. I like the word "servitude". Serving others is the only way to build a healthy self image. Humans by nature are selfish, and by nature operate as emotional roller coasters because of their selfishness. Its amazing how so many different movies and life experiences show us this. For instance, Pay It Forward was an incredible movie that people love because of the admirable characteristics displayed. You see honor, courage, humility, and above all a sense of selflessness. I guess the best way to describe an at of selflessness is when someone gives the explanation "I just did the right thing". People try to hide from the truth, but the fact is deep down inside we are all hungry for acceptance, attention and approval.

Many successful people can look back to the one person who changed their life because of their selflessness. Great people who most certainly would not be great if it weren't for someone's selflessness. I know we are all trying to become better everyday and move on in life closer to our goals. I know it is easier to take a bullet point list of to do's and apply it to change something in your life. Selflessness is less about change though and more about other people. I challenge you to make a daily note to remind yourself that today is not about you. You see, if today is about you; you can never be great. Great accomplishments are only great because they involve more than just you to accomplish them. I believe the definition of success is how many people were better off because you lived.

Please take a moment and share a selfless thing someone else has done for you that has helped you more forward in life. Lets let this be a reminder of how great people really are.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Power of a Dream

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I think the biggest issue our country is facing today is a lack of dreamers. We've traded in the ability to take risks to achieve great dreams for the "security" of a paycheck. It's unfortunate, I don't believe the pilgrims original intentions of coming to a new land was to be employed for someone else for 40-60 years. Here is a wake up call; you are always working towards the accomplishment of a dream, it's your choice if that dream is yours or the dream of the owner of your company. We all had real dreams at one point. When I was a kid I used to dream about playing in the NBA or being a fireman, or driving the Porsche 911 Turbo on the wall. Until about the age of 14 when people around me started asking what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Where was I going to go to college? What was I going to study? Looking back this all makes me sick. Here is my challenge to you; stop doing something that you can stomach, or even something that you like. The million dollar question, doing what your currently doing can you get to where you want to be 10 years from now? If the answer is no, than you have to change something. If the answer is yes I challenge you to get a bigger dream.

tell me what your dreams are, I want to know. This country needs to know its okay to dream again. Its acceptable to fail because that is the only way you will succeed.

A few tips to help you develop a dream...
1) hang around dreamers- if you wanted to get sick you would hang around someone with the flu. So if you want a bigger dream, you need to hang around a big dreamer.
2) dream build and then reality build- Picture yourself doing the things that you dream of doing. Picture yourself in the car that you want, picture yourself in the house that you want, picture yourself waking up at 10am and grabbing a cup of coffee on the beach just relaxing and gaining perspective on the day to come. What you focus on you will have.
3) Protect your dream, do not allow anyone else to steal your dream. Its your dream not theirs. A dream is the most valuable and most fragile thing you will ever own.

Start Your Morning Right

I thought this was a great message that can be applied to everyday life. Perspective is key.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Attitude for Success Part 1- Persistence

One of the keys to success to anything in life is persistence. We live in a microwave society where everyone wants instant gratification. People want to get paid to do a task. I propose that we all adopt a marathon mentality. Success is not achieved in a day, but it is the lump sum of many individual day's efforts. We must focus on making each day productive without focusing on daily results. A good friend of mine always says there is no traffic on the extra mile. He also says there is no losing at anything, there is only winning or quitting. So we must adopt an attitude today where quitting is not an option. I am a fan of lists and bullets, so here is a list of simple ways to develop persistence in your life.

1) Set Goals- everything starts with the setting of a worthwhile dream and goals to back it up. Many people are not persistent because they are not going anywhere. Is you have no course why keep going?

2) Decide today there is no negotiations for the final price of success- Too many people try to put a price tag on their dreams. "if I do X amount of work and I'm not successful than it's just not worth it". That mentality is sure failure every time.

3) Decide to win- once you decide there is no calculable price for success the next step is to decide to do whatever it takes to succeed. Expect people around you to tell you what you are doing is a bad idea, or that it won't work. Remember, if 2% of America actually succeeds successfully 98% remaining leaves lots of room for critics of great people.

4) Focus- You have to find a way to keep your goal in the front of you mind at all times. It must consume your entire focus and drive your thoughts.

5) Learn to adjust- If at first you don't succeed... welcome to the club. There are so few successes that have great accomplishments the first time around. Remember, you have a purpose, goals and a dream. By default you can't be an accidental success because you've planned it.